Can you identify these items found out in nature? Hover over each image with your mouse to reveal the answers.

Securigera varia, Crownvetch

Securigera varia, Crownvetch

Invasive weed commonly found in sunny areas.

Chrysochus auratus, Dogbane Leaf Beetle

Chrysochus auratus, Dogbane Leaf Beetle

Metallic-colored native beetle often found on dogbane in the summer months.

Monarda fistulosa, Wild Bergamot

Monarda fistulosa, Wild Bergamot

Native wildflower that attracts a large number of different pollinators.

Spatula discors, Blue-Winged Teal

Spatula discors, Blue-Winged Teal

Native duck that can be seen in Northern IL throughout the summer.

Packera glabella, Butterweed

Packera glabella, Butterweed

Spring flowering annual native to southern IL that has been moving into northern IL.

Iris virginica var. shrevei

Iris virginica var. shrevei

Native spring flowering iris that does well in rain gardens and bioswales.

Alliaria petiolata, Garlic Mustard

Alliaria petiolata, Garlic Mustard

Non-native and very invasive forb from Europe found mostly in woodlands and savannas.

Cardinalis cardinalis, Northern Cardinal

Cardinalis cardinalis, Northern Cardinal

Striking native red bird commonly found throughout Illinois. Easy to spot in winter!

Pyrus calleryana, Bradford or Callery Pear

Pyrus calleryana, Bradford or Callery Pear

Invasive tree originally used in parkways and landscaping before it escaped into natural areas.

Erythronium albidum, White Trout Lily

Erythronium albidum, White Trout Lily

Native ephemeral forb found in open woodlands in the spring. Some say the leaf looks like a trout.

Ficaria verna, Lesser Celandine

Ficaria verna, Lesser Celandine

Non-native & invasive ground cover introduced from Europe.

Allium tricoccum, Wild Leek or Ramps

Allium tricoccum, Wild Leek or Ramps

Native spring ephemeral often seen growing in open woods.

Cathartes aura, Turkey Vulture

Cathartes aura, Turkey Vulture

Native bird with striking white wing feathers often seen soaring above looking for food.

Sanguinaria canadensis, Bloodroot

Sanguinaria canadensis, Bloodroot

Early native wildflower found in woodlands.

Scolopax minor, American Woodcock

Scolopax minor, American Woodcock

Easily startled native bird often found bobbing around searching for worms.

Alnus glutinosa, Common or Black Alder

Alnus glutinosa, Common or Black Alder

Non-native alder commonly planted along shorelines and often spreads quickly.

Populous deltoides, Cottonwood

Populous deltoides, Cottonwood

Flowers on the aggressive, but native cottonwood tree in the spring.

Argiope aurantia, Yellow Garden Spider

Argiope aurantia, Yellow Garden Spider

Native spider often found while walking through prairie areas.

Celastrus scandens, American Bittersweet

Celastrus scandens, American Bittersweet

American bittersweet vine with orange seed pods that open in the winter to expose dark red berries.

Geum triflorum, Prairie Smoke

Geum triflorum, Prairie Smoke

Very early prairie plant that can often be seen popping up through our last snows of the season.

Junco hyemalis, Dark-Eyed Junco

Junco hyemalis, Dark-Eyed Junco

Native sparrow often seen during the winter foraging for seeds.

Melanerpes carolinus, Red-Bellied Woodpecker

Melanerpes carolinus, Red-Bellied Woodpecker

Native woodpecker often found and heard foraging for food amongst trees in the winter.

Odocoileus virginianus, White-Tailed Deer

Odocoileus virginianus, White-Tailed Deer

Native deer species commonly found throughout the Chicago area.

Spinus tristis, American Goldfinch

Spinus tristis, American Goldfinch

Finch known for it's bright gold color in summer. It's winter plumage is much less vibrant.

Monotropa uniflora, Ghost Plant or Indian Pipe

Monotropa uniflora, Ghost Plant or Indian Pipe

Not often seen native plant found in higher quality areas with dense shade.

Pyrrharctia Isabella, Woolly Bear Caterpillar

Pyrrharctia Isabella, Woolly Bear Caterpillar

Native Caterpillars often found in the fall. Will become an Isabella Tiger Moth.

Apalone spinifera, Spiny Softshell Turtle

Apalone spinifera, Spiny Softshell Turtle

Softshell turtle native to IL that can be found in lakes, ponds and streams.

Symphyotrichum novae-angliae, New England Aster

Symphyotrichum novae-angliae, New England Aster

Native aster that blooms in late summer through early fall.

Phragmites australis, Common Reed

Phragmites australis, Common Reed

Aggressive non-native and invasive grass found in wetlands and roadside swales.

Hackelia virginiana, Stickseed

Hackelia virginiana, Stickseed

Native plant found mostly in woodlands. Infamous for attaching seeds to unsuspecting passersby.

Phalacrocorax auritus, Double Crested Cormorant

Phalacrocorax auritus, Double Crested Cormorant

Native migratory bird often found sunning themselve on logs or in trees near the lakes they fish in.

Solidago rigida, Stiff Goldenrod

Solidago rigida, Stiff Goldenrod

Native goldenrod with rough leaves found in prairies throughout the midwest.

Asclepias tuberosa, Butterfly Weed

Asclepias tuberosa, Butterfly Weed

Native milkweed with orange to red flowers that is attractive to butterflies.

Passerina cyanea, Indigo Bunting

Passerina cyanea, Indigo Bunting

Native migratory bird with striking blue color often found in prairies and open woodlands.

Aesculus glabra, Ohio Buckeye

Aesculus glabra, Ohio Buckeye

Native tree found mostly in southern Illinois. Known for being the state tree of Ohio.

Veronicastrum virginicum, Culver’s Root

Veronicastrum virginicum, Culver’s Root

Native forb commonly found in prairies and savannas.

Lythrum salicaria, Purple Loosestrife

Lythrum salicaria, Purple Loosestrife

Invasive wetland species introduced from Europe & Asia.

Dipsacus laciniatus, Cutleaf Teasel

Dipsacus laciniatus, Cutleaf Teasel

Non-native and invasive species the spreads quickly and threatens prairies and savannas.

Ardea herodias, Great Blue Heron

Ardea herodias, Great Blue Heron

Large native bird often seen fishing in ponds and streams.

Carex grayii, Bur Sedge

Carex grayii, Bur Sedge

Native sedge found in wetlands and stream corridors.

Ischnura verticalis, Eastern Forktail Damselfly

Ischnura verticalis, Eastern Forktail Damselfly

Common native damselfly found in a variety of habitats.

Lobelia cardinalis, Cardinal Flower

Lobelia cardinalis, Cardinal Flower

Native wetland/shoreline flower with striking red color that can attract hummingbirds.

Melilotus officinalis, Yellow Sweet Clover

Melilotus officinalis, Yellow Sweet Clover

An invasive biennial that blooms in the spring.

Papilio polyxenes, Eastern Black Swallowtail

Papilio polyxenes, Eastern Black Swallowtail

Native butterfly found throughout much of North America.

Sambucus canadensis, Elderberry

Sambucus canadensis, Elderberry

Native shrub most often found in wetlands.

Troglodytes aedon, House Wren

Troglodytes aedon, House Wren

Very common native bird foud throught most of North and South America.

Cercis canadensis, Eastern Redbud

Cercis canadensis, Eastern Redbud

Native small tree with pink flowers found in an a variety of habitats and often used in landscaping.

Phyciodes tharos, Pearl Crescent

Phyciodes tharos, Pearl Crescent

A butterfly native to most of North America that likes to lay its eggs on native aster species.

Tradescantia ohiensis, Ohio Spiderwort

Tradescantia ohiensis, Ohio Spiderwort

Early blooming native perennial found in prairies and savannas.

Camassia scilloides, Wild Hyacinth

Camassia scilloides, Wild Hyacinth

Native spring wildflower often found in savannas and open woods.

Claytonia virginica, Spring Beauty

Claytonia virginica, Spring Beauty

Native spring ephemeral found in open woodlands.

Grus canadensis, Sandhill Crane

Grus canadensis, Sandhill Crane

Beautiful migratory birds that can often be heard flying overhead during our burn seasons.

Symplocarpus foetidus, Skunk Cabbage

Symplocarpus foetidus, Skunk Cabbage

Native species of wetlands and often up before the snow has melted.

Psuedacaris crucifer, Spring Peeper or Chorus Frog

Psuedacaris crucifer, Spring Peeper or Chorus Frog

Tiny little frogs that are most often heard and not seen in the spring.

Carya ovata, Shagbark Hickory

Carya ovata, Shagbark Hickory

Native tree with buds that open like flowers to reveal new shoots.