"When one tugs at a single thing in nature, he finds it attached to the rest of the world."
John Muir

Controlling invasive species through ongoing stewardship
Managing invasive and exotic species is crucial to maintaining the health and integrity of your landscape. Like all landscapes and plantings, aggressive and opportunistic weeds will attempt to establish themselves in your natural area and if they aren’t controlled they may push out more desirable plants and reduce the aesthetic and functionality of your planting.
Our team of ecologists will assess your site’s natural landscaping and use the information to develop and coordinate an effective invasive species control and removal plan that’s specific to your site’s ecosystem. We take the time to educate our clients about their site’s natural resources to ensure our clients understand how our customized plan will work for their site.
We use an array of environmentally friendly strategies and techniques, including:
- Hand weeding
- Mowing
- Selective herbicide application
- Prescribed burning
- Tree and brush removal
After removing the invasive plant species, our ecologists use planting and seeding to reestablish the native plant community at your site. Ongoing land stewardship is essential to preventing the return of invasive plant species and the key to maintaining a healthy and diverse ecosystem.
We’ll help you restore the beauty, health, and integrity to your site’s natural resources.
Prescription Burning
Until recent times, fire was a natural part of life for our native woodlands, wetlands, and prairies. Ecosystems native to the Midwest depend on periodic fire events to rejuvenate growth and ensure long-term survival. The human nature tendency to suppress fire allows invasive plants (weeds) to out-compete our native grasses and flowers, therefore reducing plant and animal diversity.
Fire is one of the management tools we use for continued invasive plant control. For more than two decades, our trained ecologists have been applying prescribed fire in the Chicago region and beyond. After inspecting the site and acquiring state and local permits, we prepare and implement a detailed, fiscally responsive burn plan. We safely execute controlled burns on any scale, from backyards as small as a half-acre to prairies hundreds of acres in size.
Tallgrass Restoration® is fully bonded and insured, and we employ individuals certified in controlled fire. Experience the benefits of a prescribed burn with our professionals today.